
This is us! I’m a wife to Tom (married 18 years), mother to Anna,  Ellie, as well as Beau (our rescued black lab). I’m also a career woman working in the corporate world. We recently moved from Illinois to Michigan. 

My husband and I both have good jobs, we attend church and do our best to live Christ-centered lives, and we send our kids to great schools. We stay busy driving our kids to and from activities, eating out, and watching Netflix. We’re pretty much a typical family — with just one difference — we’re intentionally taking action to create the life we’ve always wanted .

Are we perfect? Far from it. You’ll find I’ll be real with you here. Vulnerable, even. I’ll share my story of how I found myself on a journey of self-discovery rather unexpectedly, and out of necessity. It was only through my faith in Jesus and the help of Christian counseling and books that I survived the chaos and realized I had a powerful testimony to share with others. It’s now my mission to help others transform their lives through deliberate and purposeful actions — both big and small. 

This blog has a dual purpose:

  • I’ll share stories and examples from my life that illustrate the power of intentional living, and
  • I’ll document my family’s story as we live it out. We have exciting experiences on the horizon — particularly with our family farm. 

I’ll probably quote a lot of books along the way because I’m an avid reader and life-long learner. 

Follow along with our journey as I prove that living intentionally gets results!

Yours intentionally, Amanda


Creating the Life You Want – On Purpose