Featured Guest

Let’s feature YOUR story!

Send an email to yoursintentionally@yahoo.com with the words “Featured Guest” in the Subject line, and share a story about how YOU are living intentionally to create the life you want — on purpose!**

I’d be happy to include your name and photo along with your story, if you’d like. Or, you can choose to remain anonymous. Just let me know your preference in your email submission.

Yours intentionally, Amanda

**Disclaimers apply

*NOTE: (Disclaimers)

Submitting your story via email request is not a guarantee that your story will be featured. I reserve the right to not use the material, for any reason, without explanation.

The length of time you and your content will be on the site as the Featured Guest is left to my sole and unfettered discretion based on the amount of other content to feature.

By requesting that your content be featured, you give permission to me to use your content as long or as often as desired on my site. Meaning, you and your content may appear as the Featured Guest more than once depending on the volume of other content to feature.

No money will be exchanged. Your email submission is your voluntary request to have the content used as long or as often as I deem necessary without compensation of any kind.

Creating the Life You Want – On Purpose