yours intentionally blog

3 Things I Learned from My Failed Blog

3 Things I Learned from My Failed Blog

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Just because you can’t right now, doesn’t mean you can’t ever! What are you wanting to achieve in 2022 that you aren’t quite sure you’ll be able to do? Do you have big dreams and goals that feel a bit out of reach? I do, too. But let me encourage you with a quick story about a failed blog of mine.

My Story

When I became a mom in 2010, I realized just how much I had to learn. Babies don’t come with instruction manuals or directions, and I was clueless about so many things!

Working only part-time and with a love of writing, I wondered if I could start a blog and chronicle all that I was having to figure out and learn. I thought it might help other young moms and give me something else to do when the days grew long with just me and my baby at home.

I went online and bought a domain name and website. I called it, “A Learning Mom”. That was fitting, and I liked the sound of “”. Nice ring to it, don’t you think?

The problem was, I had no idea how to start a blog, format it, add new posts, new pages, pictures — no clue! I had a website with a fancy colorful title, but nothing else.

The idea quickly died…a total failed attempt.

Mind you, this was back in the day when Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning wasn’t a thing — or if it was, it wasn’t sophisticated or well known. Though I had an interest in blogging, my phone and computer were unaware and unable to push helpful content to me. As a result, the idea quickly died, and I let the domain name and website go. A total failed attempt at blogging.

Fast forward to 2017 and 2018. I signed up for a course about blogging, and then — thanks to AI and machine learning — was inundated with information and training on starting a blog. New content and tempting courses filled my social media newsfeeds daily.

This time, there was no stopping me. Originally, I had only the desire. But now I had the desire plus the knowledge and ability!

With this new blog, I broadened the title and subject matter, and thus Yours Intentionally was born!

Here’s the lesson from this tale.

Though it seemed like a far-off, impossible dream at the time, it eventually became possible. I put time and effort and learning in, and soon it wasn’t just possible, it was a reality!

Once again, I have big, seemingly impossible goals and dreams for the upcoming year.

But this experience taught me three things:

1) I have achieved seemingly impossible things before. You likely have similar experiences. As you dream big for 2022, recall those times when you achieved something you never thought possible or conquered something you once thought unconquerable.

2) Stay curious and seek out more knowledge. What I don’t know yet can be learned. Knowledge can be obtained. I have quite a reading list for myself in the new year. All books by wonderful authors with lessons, stories, and principles that will teach me how to reach my full potential and achieve my goals.

3) You don’t have to have it all figured out right now. There’s a meme on Facebook that I love. It says: “Don’t let the entire staircase overwhelm you. Just focus on the first step.” Accomplishing goals and dreams is a process that takes time, energy, effort, trial and error, resets, and restarts. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey and the learnings along the way. Allow yourself to course correct and fine-tune as you go.

One book on my reading list this year is titled: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. I believe that and can’t wait to read what Marie says about it. You can “>get your copy here (click the image).

Best wishes to you on your path to fulfilling your dreams and goals! I hope you find comfort in knowing no matter how big, scary, daunting or unattainable your goals may seem, you can do it! If you care about it deeply and have a heart and a passion for what it is you’re wanting to achieve, I know it’s possible.

For me, writing is a passion. Sharing my story and my heart with all of you is a passion. I do hope my words encourage or inspire and are helpful. That was my goal with, and it remains my goal with

I’ll keep doing my thing and reaching for new heights. You do the same! I can’t wait to see what we achieve!!!

Yours Intentionally, Amanda 




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