Intentional Thank You’s at Work

When we were little, we were taught to say “please” and “thank you.” It’s common courtesy. As adults, it’s easy to say those words a hundred times throughout our day with little to no thought behind them. But, when someone takes the time to sit down and write out a sincere thank you, that really means something.

Throughout my career, I’ve been blessed with wonderful managers and mentors who truly left their mark on me. They were caring, had my best interests at heart, and were excellent role models. I learned more by watching and observing their leadership styles than I could have learned in any classroom setting or by completing online training courses.

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Intentional Living

I love to read. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. I can get lost in a good novel, but most of my life I’ve been drawn to motivational books. The “how-to” books of living a better life. 

I have a passion for learning and broadening my thinking. However, my love of motivational books goes deeper than that. Secretly (since very few people know this about me), I’ve always dreamt of writing one of those action-inspiring, how-to books to help others change and improve their lives. I also aspire to be a motivational speaker. (Tony Robbins is my role model. In high school, I was buying his books and tapes and longing to be just like him.)

I’m not a best-selling author or motivational speaker (yet!), but life has been teaching me all sorts of lessons lately that one day may make an awesome book and inspiring talk from a stage. In the meantime, I continue to read others’ books and apply what I learn.

Intentional Living
John C Maxwell

One book in particular was the inspiration for my blog yoursintentionally.comIt was John C. Maxwell’s Intentional Living – Choosing a Life that Matters. That book changed my perspective, and my life, dramatically.

It taught me the difference between good intentions (wishing, desiring, and hoping) and intentional living (having purpose, taking action, making today count).

It also included practical advice for making your life matter, such as putting others first, adding value to others, seizing opportunities, and more. All of which I try to do. 

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Creating the Life You Want – On Purpose