Tag Archives: Give Back

3 Ways to Positively Contribute at Work

Intentionally Giving Back to Others

Many of you know I work for a Fortune 50 company at its Corporate Headquarters. This week, my manager and I sat down for my performance review. During the meeting, he gave me a really nice compliment. He said:

“Some people are energy neutral. 

Some take more than they give. 

Some give more than they take. 

I’d put you in this last category.” 

Nice, right?! This got me thinking about how I try to give back at work and how I positively contribute to others.

Three categories came to mind of how I do this and how I’ve seen others do it as well. What’s more, they’re easy so you can do them, too!

1)    If a problem, bring a solution

Early in my career, I had a superior tell me he appreciated the fact that when I identified a problem and wasn’t able to work through it on my own, that I would always come to him with a few potential solutions — rather than just the problem. This stuck with me as a valued practice I’ve continued to do.

So my mantra and advice is: When needing to take a problem to a superior, be ready to offer one or more possible solutions.

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Intentionally Giving Back This Holiday Season

Today was not a normal day for me. It was unique, but in a good way.

I spent a few hours impacting nearly 10,000 lives by making sure 2,500 local families will have a warm meal on Thanksgiving Day.

Eleven of my co-workers and I volunteered at the Midwest Food Bank, partnering with Home Sweet Home Ministries and many local food pantries, to pack boxes full of the traditional Thanksgiving Day fixings: corn, green beans, cranberries, potatoes, gravy mix, stuffing, and cookies.

This coming Volunteering at the Midwest Food BankSaturday, the Midwest Food Bank will have families literally drive through (without leaving their cars) to receive a packed box, along with a fresh turkey, for them to take home.

It’s heartbreaking and very humbling to hear of such need — 2,500 families; nearly 10,000 individuals?! Yet, I left with a heart full of gratitude, a sense of “good” in the world, and a powerful reminder that we are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth.

Continue reading Intentionally Giving Back This Holiday Season