Tag Archives: Inspiration

The Gap Between Real & Ideal

If you close your eyes and picture your ideal self, what do you see? This was a question I asked myself after completing development training that recommended we close the gap between our real and ideal selves.

Naturally, I pondered the question, and here’s what I took away. Whatever you see in your mind’s eye as your ideal, you can start working to achieve. As you do, you’ll begin closing the gap between who you are today — your real self — and who you want to be tomorrow — your ideal self.

What do you see? 

So how about you? What do you see? Are you 20 lbs lighter? Are you more patient and loving with others? Do you see yourself further along in your career — either at a higher level or making more money? Are you married — happily? Do you see yourself enjoying financial freedom? 

Maybe you’ve already come a long way towards a more ideal state. Praise yourself if you have! Hopefully all of us are striving each day to do better and be better. But there’s a lot that can steal our attention and distract us. That’s why you have to be intentional about it. 

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Intentional Living

I love to read. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. I can get lost in a good novel, but most of my life I’ve been drawn to motivational books. The “how-to” books of living a better life. 

I have a passion for learning and broadening my thinking. However, my love of motivational books goes deeper than that. Secretly (since very few people know this about me), I’ve always dreamt of writing one of those action-inspiring, how-to books to help others change and improve their lives. I also aspire to be a motivational speaker. (Tony Robbins is my role model. In high school, I was buying his books and tapes and longing to be just like him.)

I’m not a best-selling author or motivational speaker (yet!), but life has been teaching me all sorts of lessons lately that one day may make an awesome book and inspiring talk from a stage. In the meantime, I continue to read others’ books and apply what I learn.

Intentional Living
John C Maxwell

One book in particular was the inspiration for my blog yoursintentionally.comIt was John C. Maxwell’s Intentional Living – Choosing a Life that Matters. That book changed my perspective, and my life, dramatically.

It taught me the difference between good intentions (wishing, desiring, and hoping) and intentional living (having purpose, taking action, making today count).

It also included practical advice for making your life matter, such as putting others first, adding value to others, seizing opportunities, and more. All of which I try to do. 

Continue reading Intentional Living

Creating the Life You Want – On Purpose