Tag Archives: Quality time

The 3 Best Times for Connection with Kids

I grew up in a household where open conversation and dialogue was welcomed. It was how we established trust and a deep sense of unconditional love, acceptance and belonging. My parents welcomed questions and conversations about the hard stuff and the big stuff, but they showed a genuine interest in the little stuff of everyday life, too – and that’s where true connection happens with kids.

Times have changed, and we now live in a digital world in which it often feels like everyone in the household (no matter the age) is behind a screen and uninterested in engaging in conversation. Though it seems that way, that couldn’t be further from the truth. People are still interested in connecting; we just have to be more intentional about making it happen.

From my experience

I’ve found 3 times that are best for true connection with my kids. Times when no screens are present and open conversation and dialogue occur freely and naturally. I welcome these times because I, like my parents, want to let my kids know we have a relationship of trust, they are loved unconditionally, they are accepted, and they belong.

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Date Nights

Making Time for Your Spouse

Those who know us, know that Tom and I are very intentional about date nights. We shoot for one, kid-free night out per month – sometimes more. We cherish our date nights for carved-out couple time, time to focus on one another, and reconnect.

When taking pre-marital classes, and in visiting with my parents who were married for 43 years before my Dad passed, we heard over and over: “You are a couple first – before having children, before taking on the roles of Mom and Dad – so it’s critical to treasure and uphold that relationship above all others” (with the exception of our relationship with God, of course).

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