My husband, brother-in-law, and I frequently get asked about the latest projects we’re doing on our farm. We love that question. It’s indicative of the work we’ve done over the past three years (from Dec. 2020 to Dec. 2023).
We’re busy remodeling, restoring and refreshing my husband’s family’s (nearly) bi-centennial farm in Michigan.

As I look back at what we’ve accomplished to date, it’s amazing. And that’s not bragging because it’s not what we’ve done in our strength, but what has been accomplished as we sought the help of countless others.
Farmers, firefighters, conservationists, demolition and excavating companies, and more, are part of our 2023 story.
If you look back to 2020 and even before, so many others contributed to our progress. But for now, I’d like to focus on 2023 as the end of the year allows for reflection. I always enjoy reflecting before intentionally planning and strategizing the year ahead.
Looking back
House demolition
In March, after several years of careful planning and prep work, several local fire departments helped to burn down the 1854 farmhouse on our property.
We donated the home, which was beyond repair, to the firefighters for several training exercises. It was the home where Tom’s and Jim’s great-grandfather and family lived, and then where Tom, Jim and their family lived. Read the full story here.
What an incredible experience to be part of! And we are forever grateful for the partnership with the fire departments to complete that daunting task.
After the fire, two chimneys remained that needed to be pushed into the old basement. Excavators came to complete that job and to grade smooth the previous site of the house.
What you don’t see here, is the work our family did to pick up rocks and tree limbs and put down grass seed. Hours of work, but we didn’t mind it one bit. And now, we have a beautiful side yard.